品酒學英文系列:The Most Eye-Rolling Wine Snob Moment

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一樣米養百樣人,一杯酒現百樣情;參加品酒活動時總會遇到酒友有一些令人白眼翻滿滿的舉動,《Wine Folly 這篇文章》收集了 50 條令人噴飯的尷尬場景,本文擷取其中六大 NG 故事,並提供一些個人小提醒:
Photo Credit: Wine Folly


  1. Wine Snob 不懂裝懂/假掰
    Snob 原本是形容愛慕虛榮自以為是;我們可以用 Wine Snob 形容一些假掰的品飲者。
  2. Eye-Rolling 令人反感
  3. Screwcap 螺旋蓋
    相較於舊世界酒區常用的軟木塞,許多新世界或是一些歐陸產區會使用螺旋蓋。一方面是降低成本(軟木很貴),另一方面也降低發生 Cork (軟木塞變異)的風險。
  4. To one’s bemusement /in bemusement 令人疑惑
    例句:He scratched his head in bemusement as the sales figures were released by the manager.
  5. Stir Wine Lees 攪拌酒渣
    Lees 在葡萄酒圈是指酵母葡萄皮果肉發酵後殘留的酒渣,有些釀酒師會攪拌酒渣讓葡萄酒多一些風味與強化酒體
  6. In Attendance 在場/參與
    例句:Some 200 were in attendance at the fourteenth reunion
  7. Flagship 旗艦款/高階版

👎六大 NG 故事:

  • “Systematically point out at least one flaw in each wine at the tasting to the winemakers.”
  • “A wine snob flat-out refused to drink anything from a screwcap. That’s just dumb.”
  • “Wine waiter sniffed the cork of a very tainted wine and told me there was nothing wrong with it. They refused to smell the actual wine.”
  • “A couple asking at every winery if they “scrape the leaves” to every tasting room staff’s bemusement. If not, the wine was not up to standard for them to try. After 3 unsuccessful winery visits I realized they wanted to say “stir the lees” and had no idea what that even was.”
  • “I was once at a co-worker’s wedding and her boss was also in attendance. We sat at the same table. During dinner, he declined the wine served by our hosts and pulled his own wine from a bag , which he and his wife drank. They did not offer any to the rest of the table, or to our hosts.”
  • “Refusing to taste anything but the “flagship wines” during my wine tasting when I worked for a wine producer in Barbaresco.”
    【有人在參訪酒莊時指名只喝最高階/旗艦酒款 (a.k.a. 最貴)】


1.大人學的多語活動與商用讀書會 2.軟性活動介紹:多語品酒/茶/咖啡會、多語沙發