第153天 我找到我的創作脈絡了 I found my art contexts

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I didn't know what it means, when my teacher told me, "An artist needs to have a clear context of its work, to be a recognized artist." To me, a real artist can make anything they like, as long as it's from the bottom of their heart, and with a fine thought, or skill.

Later, after I studied a bit how the art market works, I think this is an idea promoted by art marketing. If an artist doesn't have a theme, they don't know what to sell and whom to sell to.

However, almost at the end of this year, I reviewed my "Aye Newcastle" photos, the new mountain series, and my Ukrainian painting series, also a lot of old works. I realised that I do have a context, but it wasn't clear until nowadays---I am interested in "archive the loosing/lost thing", this is also somehow related to my grown up stories.
不過,就在今年年底,我回顧了我的《Aye Newcastle》照片,新的山系列,還有我的烏克蘭繪畫系列,還有很多舊作品。我意識到我確實有一個創作脈絡,但直到現在才清楚——我對「保存正在遺失的或已遺失的事物」感興趣,另一方面,這也與我的成長故事有關。

I am glad to find my context by the end of this year. I am glad to know, if this is the core idea you've always thought of. No matter what sub idea you work with, it will always be there.

Aye Newcastle Photography Portfolio https://shorturl.at/syT19
個人網站 pamjenco.wixsite.com/ladyadelitaartstudio

我是我的觀察對象,我也是我的報導人,我的生活場域是我的田野。歡迎來到關於我的37歲的反身民族誌田野筆記。 This is my reflexive ethnography project of the 37 years old me. Welcome to my world.