殉道者呢?教宗籲烏克蘭要有勇氣舉白旗談判 No room for martyr in Pope's mind?

閱讀時間約 9 分鐘

Imagine this scenario: what if the Pope suggested that God should raise a white flag to negotiate with Satan to prevent further casualties? If the Pope himself wouldn't do so, why would Ukraine?

Considering the balance: the Pope believes that "initiating" war is the responsibility of both parties, yet he avoids the fact that "there's always one who attacks first," hence the other party is invaded. If the Vatican were to face a terrorist attack one day, does the Pope also bear responsibility as he said?

Consider the historical context: Were the Vatican's judgments and interventions in matters of Realpolitik before and during World War II wise, or were they rather naive moves?

While the Pope's remarks are truly food for thought, they are only suitable for closed-door negotiations by mediators. As a religious leader, there are some things he should never touch. "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" not only regulates Caesar but also God.






教宗談烏克蘭戰爭 籲要有勇氣舉白旗談判    央廣 20240310

瑞士廣播電視台(RTS)9日報導,天主教教宗方濟各(Pope Francis)呼籲烏克蘭戰爭各方,在「局勢變得更糟糕之前進行談判」。








天主教教宗方濟各稱烏克蘭應有勇氣舉白旗 藉談判結束戰爭    香港01 20240310

路透社3月9日引述瑞媒稱,天主教教宗方濟各(Pope Francis)2月受訪時指,烏克蘭應需有勇氣舉白旗,並藉與俄羅斯談判來結束戰爭。




梵蒂岡發言人布魯尼(Matteo Bruni)發聲明指,教宗受訪時用提問的人所選的「白旗」一詞,並用它來「表示停止敵對行動以及通過談判的勇氣來實現停火」。


Pope says Ukraine should have 'courage of the white flag' of negotiations    Reuters 20240309

ROME, March 9 (Reuters) - Pope Francis has said in an interview that Ukraine should have what he called the courage of the "white flag" and negotiate an end to the war with Russia that followed Moscow's full-scale invasion two years ago and that has killed tens of thousands.  教宗方濟各在接受採訪時表示,烏克蘭應該擁有他所謂的「白旗」勇氣,並透過談判結束兩年前莫斯科全面入侵後與俄羅斯的戰爭。這已經導致數萬人死亡。

Francis made his comments in an interview recorded last month with Swiss broadcaster RSI, well before Friday's latest offer by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan to host a summit between Ukraine and Russia to end the war.

Erdogan made the fresh offer after a meeting in Istanbul with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Zelenskiy has said while he wants peace he will not give up any territory.

The Ukrainian leader's own peace plan calls for the withdrawal of Russian troops from all of Ukraine and the restoration of its state borders. The Kremlin has ruled out engaging in peace talks on terms set by Kyiv.

A spokesman for Zelenskiy did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the pope's remarks.

In the interview Francis was asked for his position on a debate between those who say Ukraine should give up as it has not been able to repel Russian forces, and those who say doing so would legitimise actions by the strongest party. The interviewer used the term "white flag" in the question.  在採訪中,教宗被問到他對一場辯論的立場,這場辯論中,有些人認為烏克蘭應該放棄,因為它無法擊退俄羅斯軍隊,而另一些人則認為這樣做將使最強政黨的行動合法化。面試官在問題中使用了「白旗」一詞。

"It is one interpretation, that is true," Francis said, according to an advance transcript of the interview and a partial video made available to Reuters on Saturday. It is due to be broadcast on March 20 as part of a new cultural programme.  根據週六向路透社提供的採訪預稿和部分影片,教宗說:「這是一種解釋,這是事實。」該節目將於 3 月 20 日作為新文化節目的一部分播出。


