2D VS 3D

發佈於插畫繪本創作 個房間
2024/04/26閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

▪︎創作出一個感謝圖案,內容是一個 (鳥山明風格的男孩), 舉著一個白色牌子,牌子上面寫著英文“ Thank you ”

▪︎3D thank you graphic, a boy in the style of Akira Toriyama holding a white sign that says ' Thank you '.

▪︎3D thank you card, a persian cat in the style of Disney holding a white sign that says ' Thank you '.

Disney style 3D porcelain texture white Persian cat, round face, smile on face, squinting eyes, smooth texture, no fur , Persian cat head, boy body, wearing yellow raincoat and rain boots, standing on a small pool, nature background.

▪︎A 3D thank you card, a persian cat in the style of Disney holding a white sign that says ' Thank you ' on this card.

This white persian cat named " Mao " , which is a Disney style 3D porcelain texture white Persian cat, round face, smile on face, squinting eyes, smooth texture, no fur , Persian cat head, boy body, wearing yellow raincoat and rain boots, standing on a small pool, nature background.

▪︎A 3D card, a persian cat in the style of Disney holding a white sign that says ' Good morning' on this card.

This white persian cat named " Mao " , which is a Disney style 3D porcelain texture white Persian cat, round face, smile on face, squinting eyes, smooth texture, no fur , Persian cat head, boy body, wearing yellow raincoat and rain boots, standing on a small pool, nature background.

Have a nice day.

Have a nice day.

▪︎A card, a persian cat in the style of Disney holding a white sign that says ' Have a nice day ' on this card.

This white persian cat named " Mao " , which is a Disney style 3D porcelain texture white Persian cat, round face, smile on face, squinting eyes, smooth texture, no fur , Persian cat head, boy body, wearing yellow raincoat and rain boots, standing on a small pool, nature background.

Sunny day at Park, there is a little bird sitting on Mao's shoulder.


